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Toes to Bar

Jason Trammell | Sign-Up For Personal Fitness & In-Home Training Through Out the Portland, Oregon Metro Area

Toes to Bar

Trammell's Health & Fitness Tips - Health, Fitness, Nutrition & Training Tips to Keep you Healthy and Motivated

  1. Hold onto a bar with hands gripping just wider than the shoulders.
  2. While performing a kip swing, the legs will naturally move behind the body. In that same swift motion, swing the legs in front of the body and face so the toes touches the bar.
  3. Lower the legs back down and repeat

This movement requires a lot of core strength, so if legs are unable to reach the bar, perform a scaled version where the knees touch the elbows.

Do about 3-6 sets, 10-20 reps, resting 15-30 seconds in between sets.

More Tips Coming Soon . . .

Check back next month for another Trammell's Health & Fitness Tip to help you reach your fitness and nutrition goals!

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