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Meal Frequency

Jason Trammell | Sign-Up For Personal Fitness & In-Home Training Through Out the Portland, Oregon Metro Area

Meal Frequency

Trammell's Health & Fitness Tips - Health, Fitness, Nutrition & Training Tips to Keep you Healthy and Motivated

Consider the benefits eating more meals would have on your ability to recuperate from intnense workouts. If you currently eat four evenly spaced out meals, each with protein, complex carbs, think of the impact of adding two more meals would have on increasing your energy by adding additional protein and nutrients for muscle growth.

Don't make the mistake of thinking you can cram more and more food into each meal and get good results. That would lead to an overload on your digestive system causing the the excess to be converted into fat.

Time and time again, diabetic research has proven the benefits of a more stable blood sugar level. Optimal absorption of food and an increased meatbolic rate, all a result of ingesting more balanced meals as oppsossed to stuffing more into each meal.

So to have energy all day long and to succeed in your workouts eat 6 good balanced meals daily.

More Tips Coming Soon . . .

Check back next month for another Trammell's Health & Fitness Tip to help you reach your fitness and nutrition goals!

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