9 Benefits Of Bee Pollen
9 Benefits Of Bee Pollen
Trammell's Health & Fitness Tips - Health, Fitness, Nutrition & Training Tips to Keep you Healthy and Motivated
1. It helps regulate the digestive progress and it contains a natural antibiotic that destroys harmful bacteria in the intestines.
2. Bee pollen helps to flush poisons and toxins from the body.
3. Important phytochemicals like lycopene and beta - sitosterol, as well as many flavonoids found in bee pollen have proven to slow growth of prostate tissue and reduce inflammation and pain.
4. It is said that bee pollen helps reduce cravings for alcohol and other drugs.
5. Bee pollen has been espoused to boost fertility in women and sexual potency in men.
6. As an immune system booster, bee pollen helps prevent communicable diseases such as flu and the common cold. Bee pollen is even believed to slow the aging process.
7. Bee pollen is said to help reduce symptoms of depression.
8. Because of its detoxifying properties, bee pollen helps to lower blood pressure. It flushes impurities from the blood, allowing oxygen to reach body cells, including the brain.
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